Save 15% Fajita Meat, Flap Meat & Short Ribs!

Half Beef
Half Beef
Half Beef
Half Beef

90 lbs. Ground Beef

10 lbs. Knuckle Bones

4 lbs. Marrow Bones

8 lbs. Shank Meat

12 lbs. Ribeye Steak

4 lbs. Filet Mignon Steak

7 lbs. New York Steak

8 lbs. Top Sirloin Steak

2 lb. Skirt Steak

4 lbs. Flat Iron Steak

10 lbs Short Ribs

7+ lbs. Beef Brisket

25+ lbs. Beef Roasts

14+ lbs. Stew Meat

5 lbs. Carne Asada

1 Tri-Tip (approx. 2 lbs)

1.5 lbs Flank Steak

3 lbs Flap Meat


Total Cost - $2600

Available Now

Deposit to Reserve $500 

Remaining Balance $2100 due before receiving beef.

Fill up the freezer with a Half Beef!  You get double the meat as the Mixed Quarter and you get a much sought after Tri-Tip.  All cuts are packaged individually making it easy to pull dinner out of the freezer whenever you are ready.  It is approximately 225 lbs of delicious Rankin Beef.  A 3% processing fee applies for credit card transactions.  Payment can be made by check or cash to eliminate this fee for a purchase price of $2522 (save $78).


**This item is not available for standard shipping.  Please contact us for pricing for special delivery**


Please Select:

Upcoming Market/Delivery Dates

FEB 18

FEB 22

FEB 24

FEB 25

FEB 25

MAR 04

MAR 06

MAR 11

MAR 11

MAR 13

Bakersfield Delivery (93312)

Ridgecrest Market *Saturday*

Southern California Delivery

Bakersfield Delivery 

(93301-93307, 93309, 93311, 93313)

UPS Shipping

Bakersfield Delivery (93308, 93314)

Tehachapi Meat Up

Bakersfield Delivery 

(93301-93307, 93309, 93311, 93313)

UPS Shipping

Kern River Valley Meat Up

**If you are Pre-Ordering your Beef for an upcoming market or pick-up, please select Shipping and then Market Pre-Order at checkout.

How it Works


Choose between individual cuts, or we have some great boxes and bundles options as well as subscriptions to get you more savings!


 Select the best option for you at checkout:

1. Pick up at Ranch

2. Ship (available for our CA customers)

Select this option if you would like your items shipped, delivered to Bakersfield or for a Market Pre-Order

Markets available are:



Kern River Valley

Important Info

 When you select a Market Pre-Order for shipping method, the checkout page will say ship, but rest assured, the shipping cost is $0.00 and we will bring your order to the market or to your home if within the local Bakersfield area. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at


We hope that you enjoy our delicious, locally raised beef! We would love to hear about your experience so please send us a message or find us on social media. We would love to hear from you! 

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